Fery Narayana (1412149-AN. E)
M. Ribut
Asmara (1411046-AN. E)
Praise authors say the presence of the Allah Almighty because of his
mercy and grace we can complete the task paper technology change in
communication study. And do not forget to also send greetings and blessings
author to prophet Muhammad SAW that brings us from the age of ignorance to the
era of knowledge as we are currently facing.
Hopefully, this can increase
knowledge readers. And hopefully this papers was appreciated and beneficial for
the writer himself so fulfill the duty value.
We are sorry if there
are still many errors in the writing of this paper. Because the author is still
in the learning process. In addition, the author would like to thank the Mr.
Syakur because with his direction we can finish this paper.
Malang, 21 October 2014
PREFACE......................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................. iii
Background of the Study............................................................................................ 1
Problem of the Study.................................................................................................. 1
Purpose of the Study................................................................................................... 1
Definition of Technology.......................................................................................... 2
Educational Technology............................................................................................ 2
Role of Information Technology in
Education Modernization ................................ 3
Communication Technology In Learning
Function .................................................. 4
Factors Supporting Communication
Technology in Education ................................ 6
Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 7
Suggestion.................................................................................................................. 7
REFERENCES................................................................................................................. 8
A. Background of the Study
The development world is marked by a very rapid
development of science and technology which always gives the ease and
flexibility without limit of time, space and distance. Electronic connections
between countries, different regions, intercontinental can be done easily. The
resulting innovations is growing rapidly and affects all areas of human life.
Economics, the field of defense and security, social field of culture,
Politics, and the field of education can never be separated from the
circulation technology. Development of communication technology affect the
development progress of a nation is changing the paradigm of society in the
search for and find information that is not limited by simple media but also
through media high technology as a source of information.
One of the areas that have significant impact to the
development of communication technology is the field of education, where
education is essentially a process of communication and information from
educators to students that contain educational information, which has the
following elements: educators as a source of information, media as a means of
presenting ideas, ideas and educational materials as well as students as
learners. With this development also affects the change of national education
in Indonesia, so it is fitting national education conducive implemented as one
of the demands of the times with all its development, and lead us in the
direction of globalization requires us to continue to develop the Human
Resources (HR).
Communication technology is a result of the work of
human thought and applied to connect the human communication process. Seeing is
understanding a lot of evolving communications technologies in the community,
one of which is a communication technology education.
B. Problem of the Study
Background of the above authors
formulate some issues to be discussed in this paper, namely:
1.What definition technology and
educational technology?
2.How development technology ?
3.What negative impact of technology on
study process?
4.What positive impact of technology
on study process ?
C. Purpose of study
To know and understanding what is
definition of educational technology
To know and understanding how the
development educational technology
So we can know positif and negative impact use technology in
study process
Get an benefit of use technology in
study proses
Chapter II
Definition of Technology
The term technology is derived from the word "textere"
(Latin) which means "to weave or construct", weaving or
building. According
Saettler (1960) that technology does not always have to use the machine as
imagined in our minds during this time, but refers to any practical activities
using science or knowledge. Even mentioned that
technology is an attempt to solve human problems (Salisbury, 2002). In connection therewith, Romiszowski (1981) mentions that the
technology related to products and processes. While
Rogers (1986) have the view that technology usually involves aspects of the
hardware (consisting of a material or physical object), and aspects of the
software (comprised of the information contained in hardware).
Based on
these understandings clearly Salisbury (2002) revealed that technology is the
application of science or knowledge organized systematically to completion of
practical tasks.
The use of the term technology in education can’t be separated from the study of Finn (1960) at a seminar on the role of technology in society, with the title of his paper "Technology and the Instructional Process". Through his paper examined the relationship between technology and education. The main argument is based on the symptoms that conveys the use of technology in people's lives that are similar to the conditions contained in education. Therefore, the use of terms associated with educational technology is an appropriate and reasonable terms.
The use of the term technology in education can’t be separated from the study of Finn (1960) at a seminar on the role of technology in society, with the title of his paper "Technology and the Instructional Process". Through his paper examined the relationship between technology and education. The main argument is based on the symptoms that conveys the use of technology in people's lives that are similar to the conditions contained in education. Therefore, the use of terms associated with educational technology is an appropriate and reasonable terms.
At the
stage of a simple type of technology used is the blackboard, charts, real
objects, and simple models. At the intermediate stage of technology use OHP, slides,
movie projection, a simple electronic equipment for teaching, and projection
equipment (LCD). While high-tech stages
associated with the use of complex packages such as distance learning, using
radio, television, modules, computer assisted instruction, and teaching
or complex stimulation, and dial-access system information over the
phone and so forth.
The use
of this hardware product line with the development of industrial and social
development, such as e-learning network utilizing the Internet for
learning activities. The
concept of process or software, focused on developing the substance of learning
experiences by applying structured and organized approach to science for the
purpose of the learning program. The development
of this learning experience cultivated systemically and systematically by
utilizing a variety of learning resources.
Educational Technology
Based on the historical approach, Januszewski (2001: 2-15) reveals
that the early stages as an introduction to the concepts and terminology
development direction technology based education and sharpened by the following
three factors: First, Second engineering, science, and third, the
development of the Audio visual education movement. From the results of the study showed that
technology and education has been linked to the interdependence of these three
factors (engineering, science, and audiovisual education). In relation to engineering, begins assessment of engineering
that describes the meaning of research and development activities as well as
businesses produce technology to practical use, which is mostly contained in
the industrial field. In its application to the
education, illustrated that systematic efforts need to be done every
technologist education in every developing programs, and the organization of
learning. In relation to the application of
science, Charters stated that science is the basis of education, and every
effort in education needs to be based on the clarity of the science that is
used. For this, it is believed that the presence
of the same point between educational engineering with industrial
engineering, both using the research method that is based on scientific
education providers need to establish efficiency in every business does,
teachers need to specify how an efficient way so that learners gain the maximum
learning experience. In
conjunction with producing any learning program is essentially aimed at
providing learning experiences to students learning to the maximum so that the
problem can be solved.
science education becomes a laboratory and experiment to select and assign
prospective students, curriculum determination, determination of learning
methods, and assess the learning outcomes of students. The purpose of science in education provide
assurance that the learning event that is expected to have an impact on the
efficiency and effectiveness of learning, in addition to the ability of
learning outcomes can be predicted and controlled.
third factor affecting the birth of educational technology is the development
of the audiovisual movement (tool of view heard) in education. Based on the historical development of the
concept of audiovisual education has no connection with the concept of
engineering and science in general. Even
specifically educational technology consider that the concept is based on the
understanding of audiovisual hardware and equipment (Finn, 1960).
Therefore, understanding the popular shows that
educational technology is the result of the evolution of the use of audiovisual
movement in education.
C. Role of Information Technology in
Education Modernization
According to Resnick (2002) there are three important
things to think about re-associated with the modernization of education: (1)
how we learn (how people learn); (2) what we learn (what people learn); and (3)
when and where we learn (where and when people learn).
How do we learn, is associated with the method and
model of learning that occurs through the interaction between teachers and
students in learning. Related to this, according to Pannen (2005), currently
learning paradigm changes associated with dependence on the teacher and the
teacher's role in the learning process. The learning process should not be 100%
dependent on the teacher again (instructor dependent) but much more focused on
the students (student-centered learning or independent instructor), so that the
teacher is no longer used as the sole reference of all knowledge but rather as
a facilitator or consultant.
In general, the application of communication
technology in education is the application of the learning activities and the
application of the administrative activities of the institution. More about the
role, described as follows:
Implementation in the learning
The role of
communication technology in learning is characterized by the presence of e-learning with all the variations of
the levels has facilitated changes in learning delivered via all electronic
media, including such as: audio / video, interactive TV, CD ROMs, intranets and
the Internet. In general, the role of e-learning in the learning process can be
grouped into two, namely: Complementary,
presupposes that the ways of learning with face-to-face meetings are still
running but coupled with a model of information technology-assisted
interactions; substitution, most of
the information technology-assisted learning is done.
In learning
activities, the application of communication technology can be seen from how
educators provide a material given to the learners. The role of the school as
an institution that facilitates the means (communication technology) in support
of learning activities, such as a computer or a laptop, internet or wifi
network, LCD projector, TV, VCD, OHP / OHT, Tape recorder and so on. Of
existing facilities can be utilized to accommodate educators learning
techniques to be used.
The paradigm
of development of communication technology that is resulting models convensional
learn little by little changed. To the demand for educators in order to follow
the development of communication technology available. Which is expected to be
effective for learning activities supported by the Traffic of educators in
utilizing existing technology.
examples of the application of communication technology in learning activities
The use of instructional media by
educators in the delivery of course material such as Power Point, Windows
Journal, tutorials and interactive CDs, use OHT, audio tutor, and so on.
The use of the Internet or wifi
network provided by the school as a means to seek reference learners tasks
given by educators.
The use of computers as a means to
practice certain materials that do require such computer facility, which
teaches the use of ICT materials office applications, graphic design, and so
Implementation in the administrative
activities of the institution.
In carrying
out all activities operasinality, many schools utilize a variety of
technologies, especially the based communication technology to facilitate all
activities. Examples of the application of communication technology in
administrative activities are:
The use of computers in academic achievement assessment system learners.
The use of computers for data collection database identity of all
members of the school both learners and educators.
The use of the Internet as an identity actualization access educational
institutions (high school or college website) and monitoring penialaian online.
The use of audio device (sound system, tape recorder) and visual (LCD
projector, TV) for outside learning activities such as meetings, training,
seminars, and so on.
D. Communication Technology In Learning
Communication technology have three main functions
used in learning activities, namely: (1) Technology serves as a tool (tools). In this case, the communication
technology used as a tool for the user (user)
or students to assist learning, for example in a word processor, process the
numbers, creating graphical designs, create a database, create an
administrative program for students, teachers and staff, staffing data, the
financial and so on. (2) Technology serves as a science (science). In this regard the technology as part of a discipline
that must be mastered by the students in improving their competence. (3)
technology and serve as a tool for learning (literacy).
In this case the technology is defined as the study materials as well as a tool
to control a computer aided competence while making the teacher as a
facilitator, motivator, transmitter, and evaluators in complete learning
Information technology and personal communication must
remain in education and continue to be developed by means of: (1) Minimize the
internal weaknesses by conducting a global information technology with the
introduction of information technology tools themselves (radio, television,
computer), (2) Developing information technology reach all areas of information
technology itself (Local Area Network, Metropolitan Area Network and Wide Area
Network), and (3) development of community-based public education institutions
into the information technology in order to co-exist with information
technology through tools of information technology.
The role and function of information technologies in a
broader context, namely in management education, based on the study of the
purpose of the use of information technology in the world's leading education
in America, Alavi and Gallupe (2003) found some use of information technology
objectives, namely (1) improve the competitive positioning; (2) improve the
brand image; (3) improve the quality of learning and teaching; (4) increasing
student satisfaction; (5) increase revenues; (6) broaden the base of students;
(7) improving the quality of service; (8) reduce operating costs; and (9) to
develop new products and services. Therefore, it is not surprising that today
many educational institutions in Indonesia are racing to invest in the
information technology field to win the competition is getting tighter.
Therefore to win a quality education then disolusikan to position educational
institutions on favorable environmental opportunities and strong internal
Information and
Communication Technology have some impact. From this we can classify into two groups, namely the impact
of positive and negative impacts.
a. Education
Ø The Impact
of Positive (+)
1. The advent
of mass media, especially the electronic media as a source of science and
education center. The impact of this is the teacher rather than the sole source
of knowledge.
2. The
emergence of learning methods are new, which allows students and teachers in
the learning process. With advances in technology created new methods that make
students able to understand abstract material, because the material with the
help of technology can be made abstract.
3. Learning
systems do not have to go through face-to-face. With advances in technology the
learning process does not have to bring the students to the teacher, but can
also use the services of internet and others.
Ø The impact
of negative (-)
1. Confidentiality
is increasingly threatened Program assay intelligence tests such as the Raven
test, aptitudes Differential Test can be accessed through a compact disk. The
implications of this problem is, there are psychological tests that will be
easy to leak, and the development of psychological tests must race at speeds of
leakage through the internet.
2. Abuse of
knowledge for certain people to commit crimes. We know that progress in
education badang also scored high knowledgeable generations but have low
morale. For example, the computer science steeper then people will try to break
through the banking system and others.
b. Information
Ø Impact
Positive (+)
1. We will more
quickly get the information accurate and up to date on any part of the earth
over the internet.
2. We can
communicate with friends, and family who are very far away from us only by
telephone and through the internet.
Ø Impact
Negative (-)
1. Communication
services in network access by terrorists
2. The use of
certain information and certain sites that are on the internet can be misused
by certain parties for a particular purpose.
E. Factors Supporting Communication
Technology in Education
Communication technology is a staple of the e-learning
itself plays a role in creating a service that is fast, accurate, organized,
accountable and reliable. In order to achieve these objectives, there are
several factors that influence information technology, namely: (1) infrastructure,
(2) Human Resources, (3) policy, (4) Financial, and (5) Content and
Applications (Soekartawi, 2003).
This, in order to be able to communication technology
is growing rapidly it is necessary to note the factors that influence it,
namely: First, the required
infrastructure that enables access to information anywhere with sufficient
speed. Secondly, human factors
requires the availability of the human brain which controls high technology. Third , factor demands a policy of macro
and micro-scale policy that favors the development of long-term information
technology. Fourth, financial factors
requires the presence of a positive attitude of the parties such as government
funding providers, banks and other financial institutions to assist the
development of communication technology in education. fifth , factor content and applications demanded disampai
information on people, places, and the right time and the availability of the
application to deliver the content to the user comfortably.
E-learning is one of the products of information
technology in education would also have a contributing factor in the creation
of a quality education, while these factors; First, there must be a policy as
an umbrella which include the financing system and the direction of development.
Secondly, the development of the content, for example, the curriculum should be
based communication technologies.
A. Conclusion
Educational Technology derived from word “Education”
and “Technology”
The term
technology is derived from the word "textere" (Latin) which means "to
weave or construct", weaving or building.
From the results of the study
showed that technology and education has been linked to the interdependence of
these three factors (engineering, science, and audiovisual education).
In learning activities, the application of
communication technology can be seen from how educators provide a material
given to the learners. The role of the school as an institution that
facilitates the means (communication technology) in support of learning
activities, such as a computer or a laptop, internet or wifi network, LCD
projector, TV, VCD, OHP / OHT, Tape recorder and so on. Of existing facilities
can be utilized to accommodate educators learning techniques to be used.
technology is a staple of the e-learning itself plays a role in creating a
service that is fast, accurate, organized, accountable and reliable. In order
to achieve these objectives, there are several factors that influence
information technology, namely: (1) infrastructure, (2) Human Resources, (3)
policy, (4) Financial, and (5) Content and Applications (Soekartawi, 2003).
Information and
Communication Technology have some impact. From
this we can classify into two groups, namely the impact of positive and
negative impacts.
First, our advice is to learn to use technology
tools to make it easier to
understand the learning, and school as soon as possible to apply the curriculum in 2013 in
learning, in which all aspects of learning to use computers or the technology that
supports students.
Second, more government
aid could be
added more computers
or other technology to third parties who require.
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